Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nike’s Ballman vs. Coca-Cola’s Coke Man at the World Cup

Nike’s Ballman vs. Coca-Cola’s Coke Man at the World Cup: "

I love it when big brands try to compete and outdo each other. We all get to benefit from their best creativity and originality when that happens.

Well, of course, Nike could not be outdone by Coca-Cola, right? The gigantic red Coke Man was getting a lot of attention at the World Cup until, you guessed it, Nike created something even bigger and better to show their support of the World Cup.

Move over Coke Man, now there’s Ballman, prominently displayed in a shopping center in Johannesburg, South Africa. Hanging from the air with steel wire so it looks like it’s floating, Ballman was created from 3,000 footballs (or soccer balls, depending on where you are from). When the World Cup is over, Coke Man will be recycled and Ballman will be disassembled and the balls will be given away. Aww they are both so cute!

[via collthings]


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