Sunday, August 29, 2010

Leonardo gets $50 million

What a clever young man. According to Forbes, Leonardo DiCaprio looks set to make around $50 million for his role in Christopher Nolan's Inception - which is two and a half times his usual fee - purely because he decided to take an initial pay cut in order to receive 'first dollar gross points'.

For the industry unsavvy, that means DiCaprio will start to receive a percentage of the ticket sales after the movie has recouped its initial production costs - only the biggest movie stars can negotiate these kind of deals and it's helped DiCaprio's career greatly as it shows he's a credible star who can sell a film.

The 35-year-old actor will also help himself to a slice of the DVD revenues, although his percentage would possibly be less as studios hold on tightly to the home box office takings.

Costing $160 million to make, Inception has currently taken $620 million around the world, a figure which is expected to reach over $750 million before the theatrical run ends. Not bad for a film that has been hailed as a 'wildly ingenious chess game' and praised for making audiences actually think (a rare commodity in cinema these days, I'm sure you'll agree).

Although Inception is the second-highest grossing science fiction film ever (after Avatar, obviously), it still has a struggle to beat Nolan's previous film, The Dark knight. That particular superhero caper has taken over a whopping $1 billion since its release in 2008.

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