Saturday, September 11, 2010

Interesting & Unique Typographic Book Covers

Inspiration: Interesting & Unique Typographic Book Covers: "

Books offer graphic designers, illustrators and typographers a great way to expand their portfolios. There are endless possibilities that can be explored when designing for book covers, and often are explored, as can be seen in this post.

I’ve had an increased interest in book covers recently after putting together another showcase at The Inspiration Blog on minimalistic book covers, since then I have been browsing for book cover inspiration daily so thought I would share some of my findings here at This showcase presents a collection of 64 typographic book covers, all of which are interesting and are genuinely unique. The books themselves are crossed between a number of

Coney Island of the Mind

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Eight Weeks of Bruce

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Estrella Distante

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Exit Ghost

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Hiding Man: A Biography of Donald Barthelme

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We Must Not Slump In Dejection Or Shut Ourselves Away

Jenny & The Jaws of Life

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Lose Weight Through Great Sex With Celebrities

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Man Alone With Himself

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Nice Big American Baby

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Nocturno de Chile

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Outer Dark

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Provisional – Emerging Modes of Architectual Practice USA


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The American Civil War

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The Areas Of My Expertise

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The Crossing

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The Future Of An Illusion

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Last Magazine

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The Next Hundred Million – America In 2050

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The Road

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What The Internet Is Doing To Our Brains

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The Thing About Life Is That One Day You’ll Be Dead

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The Wannsee Conference Solution

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Then We Came To The End

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We Are Friction

Why I Am So Wise

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All The Pretty Horses

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Astonishing Splashes Of Colour

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Blood Meridian

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Capture The Flag

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Century Rain

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Child Of God

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Cities Of The Plain

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Eating Animals

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El Fercer Reich

Everything Is Illuminated

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The Fortress Of Solitude

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I’m OK

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Los Detectives Saluajes

Love Today


No Country For Old Men

Oh The Glory Of It All

Poe’s Children – The New Horror

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Rendezvous With Rama

Spade & Archer

Sun And Shadow


The Angry Island

The Autograph Man

The End

The Last Days Of Publishing

The Lost Art Of Walking

The Orchard Keeper

The Seven Days Of Peter Crumb

The Short Novels Of John Steinbeck

The Unabridged Pocket Book Of Lightning

The War On Words

Typography TDC

What Is All This

As can be seen above, there are a lot of areas to explore with book covers – for young, budding designers, redesigning the cover of your favorite book is a superb way to learn new skills and increase the size and quality of your portfolio.

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