Sunday, October 10, 2010

FreeRider SkateCycle: The Next Gen Skateboard Is Here!

FreeRider SkateCycle: The Next Gen Skateboard Is Here!: "

Since the skateboard became the new cool, it’s really never gone out of fashion, quite the opposite. I mean, with Tony Hawk now in the game industry that keeps pushing out title after title of his über successful franchise, we are bound to see the versatile plank for just a little bit longer. However, that doesn’t stop some genius people from designing and inventing new incarnations of the ever so popular board. Whether it will become the next cool is hard to say, but by judging from the look of it, it’s pretty rad and deserves some heavy attention.

Antonio Meze & Brooklyn Workshop hooked up a collaboration and decided that the skateboard needed a new look and a new style, so that’s what they created. If you thought that the Hoverboard from “Back To The Future” looked awesome, you will become euphoric when you see the new FreeRider SkateCycle.

It’s a new concept that brings cycling and skateboarding together… kinda. It looks so rad that I question myself why you even have to get “old.” I want to ride these things like no one has rode them before, but my fellow neighbors might think I am nuts and call someone to come pick me up. but who cares right? I mean, why should the teens have all the fun? After all, it’s us grown ups that create the stuff. Time to become a kid again!

If you thought that this thing is just for a few lucky ones you are wrong! You can actually buy one for the awesome price of $149.95 right HERE!


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