Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nerdified: Movie & Game Typography Posters For Geeks!

Nerdified: Movie & Game Typography Posters For Geeks!: "

Where does creativity stop? Is there a limit to how creative we can get and still understand what it is we’re doing or seeing? According to studies, we are only using 10% of our brain capacity, so I guess we’re just in the beginning of the creative process. However, since being a geek is getting ever more attractive and more people are moving into the mindset of truly pampering the world with their genius, it’s only fitting that we also nerdify the posters presented to us at various occasions.

That is exactly what Jarod Gibson has done over at 37 Posters. He has managed to create some of the most awesome movie, television and game posters you have ever come across. With a few tricks, he’s created an all typography styled promotion for legendary movies like Pulp Fiction, The Simpsons and Fight Club, just to mention a few.

Next time you check out a poster of an upcoming movie, you can always remember these awesome pieces of artwork and know that they didn’t even come close to the geekiness that Jarod managed to plant in your mind. If a picture says a thousand words, these pictures should say a million… or something. They are truly creative, and you could literally spend hours just checking through the typography printed. Schweeet!

Find more awesome posters over at 37 Posters. You can also buy them there!


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