Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Many Faces of Spock: Which Is Your Favorite?

The Many Faces of Spock: Which Is Your Favorite?: "

I don’t know what it is with Spock and me lately. I think I may have a secret Trekkie crush on him. Last week I wrote about the geekiest Vulcan “live long and prosper hoodie” you’ve ever seen, and today, I’m writing another Spock inspired post.

Created by Ramsey Sibaja, these are “The Many Faces of Spock.” These head shots feature Spock in all different roles throughout music and pop culture. I think I like the Princess Leia Spock the best, although the Drag Queen Spock is a close second. The chubby faced Spock is interesting too.

Ramsey Sibaja even created a 32 page saddle-stitched magazine filled with these Spock parodies. Issue number one is called “beamed up and displaced.” You can purchase it for $9.95 here.

[via Nuclear Toast]


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