Tuesday, December 28, 2010

70 Stunning Examples of Cityscape Photography

70 Stunning Examples of Cityscape Photography: "

When you think of a city, the word beautiful usually isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Good urban photography will turn a gross city into a breath taking image, and here are 70 examples of images that do just that. All these images are extremely colorful and very dramatic. You will notice many trends throughout the examples, such as use of HDR and images using reflections. Also, you will see that many of these images are taking at night or dawn, because the light from the buildings are brought out.

The following are 70 stunning cityscape and urban photographs that capture the beauty of the city. If you enjoy this post, give it a Digg and Stumble, or leave a quick comment.



1 comment:

KT said...

these are beautiful...a great source of inspiration!!!

re-posted here and wrote a little bit about them here: http://www.facebook.com/BoomMerchant